Our Clients

We are proud to support the growth and reputation of our clients across multiple industries. Their success is our success.

Industry-leading companies delivering critical components to end-users worldwide.

From defense and healthcare to fire safety, telecommunications, transportation, and cybersecurity, our clients provide products essential to critical functions around the world. At Fabpro Technologies, we understand that our performance directly impacts the successful outcomes of projects large and small across multiple industries and end-user groups. Qualified and Certified, Fabpro adheres to a variety of codes and standards and provides full quality control packages in compliance with industry-specific requirements. Beyond manufacturing mission-critical components, we provide clients with the People, Parts, and Partners to succeed and grow their businesses.

KEY Industries Served

We Provide Clients With The People, Parts, and Partners to Succeed And Grow Their Business



Cyber Security

Fire Safety


Clean Energy


Audio Production


1 M+

Components Delivered

Our Latest Projects

All functions including supply chain, value chain, project scheduling, manufacturing, services and spares,
technology, R&D, etc. are integrated to give a complete solutions package.